
Saturday, July 2, 2011

week of firsts

We've had a good amount of sunshine this week, which translates to WEEDING. All day, all week: weeding. I was thinking to myself, weeding does not make a good blog post topic. Blah! But, there is beauty in the little things, and there have been a number of tiny beautiful moments to be thankful for...

Every time I walked into the house, I noticed the sweet sturdy sunflower by our door getting a little more confident each day, peeking it's head out until it became a full circle of yellow petals, straining its' neck to see the sun. Our first sunflower has arrived! Also, I made a trip out into the farthest field to pick the first squashes and zucchinis to throw into a stir fry - mostly tiny, but delicious nonetheless! And, the news you have all been waiting for with bated breath, I'm sure, our first ripe tomato of the season has been spotted! A pretty little Juliet tomato was found in our high tunnel (greenhouse without the heating system) at approximately 10:30 AM on Friday July 1st by the one and only Emily Vail. The verdict: yummy. The others will follow suit very soon, I predict, and before we know it, we will be covered in avalanches of tomaters that just won't quit!

Have a great Independence Day weekend, friends!

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